
Apple launched a web version of privacy label to actively disclose its own app

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Apple released the privacy label function on the iOS platform for the first time at the end of 2020, which touched the interests of many large companies like Google and Facebook, because this requires developers to disclose the private data that can be obtained to users.

Currently, when users browse in the app store, they can see the privacy labels of third-party apps and the apps that Apple appears in the app store, but the private information obtained by the non-deletable apps built into the system cannot be seen.

Apple recently launched a web version of its private label, revealing its own built-in App to obtain private data. Apple emphasizes that the company will never track private data that has nothing to do with users. Compared with other developers, Apple insists on higher standards.

Apple also launched the ‘App Tracking Transparency’ framework that will be applied after iOS 14.5. App developers can conditionally obtain user data if they follow this framework.

Google previously refused to update many of its iOS apps because of its refusal to use the privacy label function. However, since March this year, it finally compromised, and a large number of apps such as YouTube, Slides, Docs, Sheets, and Calendar were updated.


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