
HBO Max cheap subscription will be released in June 2021

AT&T, the parent company of HBO Max, today declared plans to release a more affordable version of HBO Max that will include advertisements to reduce costs.

The price of a completely ad-free HBO Max subscription is $14.99 per month, and the price of the ad-supported version is unclear.

In addition to advertising, the ad-supported version of HBO Max will not include Warner Bros. movie theaters. Earlier this year, AT&T stated that all Warner Bros. movies in 2021 will be shown on HBO Max and in theaters at the same time.

HBO Max users will receive titles like ‘The Matrix 4’, ‘Dune’, ‘On the Heights’ and ‘Suicide Squad’ on the same day these movies premiered in theaters.

All other HBO Max content, including HBO Max original content, will be included in the ad-supported version. HBO Max original TV shows will have no ads, but other types of content will contain ads.

AT&T predicts that by the end of 2025, HBO Max and HBO users will reach 120 million to 150 million. By the end of 2021, AT&T is expected to have 67 million to 70 million users worldwide, up from 61 million at the end of 2020. AT&T plans to release an ad-supported version of HBO Max sometime in June.


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