
Here’s how to Boot into Safe Mode on Windows 10 PC

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When your Windows 10 computer has a problem, starting it in Safe Mode can be a good solution to help identify the cause. Here’s how to get there.

Safe Mode is a Windows startup mode that sets aside everything that is not essential for its most basic operation. It drastically reduces the number of drivers and files used to bring Windows back to a basic state.

When looking for the cause of a problem on your PC, it is a good idea to test Safe Mode to see if the problem is with Windows itself or with another file. Thanks to this, the list of “  suspects  ” can go down quite quickly.

This mode is obviously not designed for daily use. This does not start the drivers of certain components of your computer, you will for example be limited to the level of your display and certain other elements.


Safe mode is available from the Windows 10 recovery screen. To find yourself on this screen, you can go to Settings, then to the Update and security menu. Here, choose the Recovery tab and then click on Restart now.

There are other ways to end up on this recovery screen if you cannot access Windows settings. On the Windows login screen, it is possible to do this. Just press Shift (or Shift) while clicking the icon on / off and click Restart.

Finally, if your computer cannot access any of these menus, you will have to perform a very precise and fairly repetitive operation:

  • If the computer is on, hold the On / Off button for 10 seconds to turn it off
  • Press the On / Off button to turn on the device
  • At the first sign of starting (manufacturer’s logo for example), press the On / Off button for 10 seconds to turn it off
  • Press the On / Off button to turn on the device
    At the first sign of starting (manufacturer’s logo for example), press the On / Off button for 10 seconds to turn it off
  • Press the On / Off button to turn on the device

Then let it restart to get to the Windows recovery screen.


You will find yourself in the Windows recovery menu, this environment allows you to perform certain troubleshooting tasks such as reinstalling Windows, resetting the computer, or our goal: to start in safe mode. You will then have to go to:

  • Troubleshooting
  • Advanced options
  • Start parameters
  • To restart

When the computer restarts, click F4 or 4 to enable Safe Mode or F5 or 5 for Safe Mode with Networking Support. The computer restarts one last time and you are in safe mode, a sort of restricted Windows that will let you know if the operating system or some external factors are the cause of your problem.

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