Here’s how to use Instagram Stories’ new Captions speech transcription Sticker



Instagram announced the rollout of a new auto-caption feature for Stories, which will automatically transcribe words spoken within a video and add text as a sticker.

While some users began to see the feature arrive within the app, Instagram now started the process of making the tool available to across all users.

Once the new Captions Sticker has been applied, Instagram will automatically generate the caption based on the speech it deciphers within the clip while it can also be edited for accuracy, spelling, style, and color before users post it.

However, the feature is essentially intended to aid persons with hearing difficulties, but it’s also great for those instances when you can’t have the sound turned on when browsing Instagram.

When we at Trusted Reviews attempted to post a video story today, we were informed of the feature via a notification from the Stickers tab.

Here are the steps to enable it

  • Open Instagram and tap the + icon next to your profile picture in the top left corner to open the Stories interface.
  • Select the thumbnail to choose the video from you or record your video within the app.
  • Once the video has been added/recorded, tap the Stickers option and select Captions from the list (If speech is detected, Instagram will use speech-to-text tech to quickly transcribe it).
  • You’ll see the words appear on the display, in sync with the pronunciation of them. However, there are other options you can select at the foot of the screen. To alter the color, simply hit the wheel at the top of the display.
  • Tap the text itself to edit the contents and clear up any inaccuracies.
  • Pinch in and out to make the text larger or smaller and use a finger to position it in the optimum place and post your story as normal.