
Here’s how to stop Google Assistant repeat command suggestions

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Based on your usage practices, Google Assistant will infrequently send you notifications asking if you’d like to use Assistant-based commands that you frequently make at that particular time. The notifications will be based on “you’ve asked for this before around this time.”

It could be any action, be it checking the weather, making a call, turning on lights, listening to sounds, or more. Expanding the notification will show you two options.

Clicking ‘Do it now’ will trigger the action, while tapping ‘Don’t suggest this’ will stop Assistant from bothering you with the same suggestion repeatedly.

While this can usually save you time a lot of time, some of you may want to get rid of these reminder notifications from the assistant. Thankfully, we do have a way to turn off these alerts permanently. Read on.

Steps to Stop Google Assistant Suggestion Notifications on Android

  • Open Settings on your Android device.
  • Go to Apps and notifications.
  • Here, click on See all apps.
  • On the next screen, look for Google. Tap it
  • Click on Notifications.
  • You’ll now see different notification channels for the Google app. All you need to do is disable the toggle for “Occasionally Repeated Actions.”

That’s it, Google Assistant will no longer bug you about notifications for repeated operations. If you ever feel the need to turn them back, repeat the steps and enable notification for the ‘Occasionally Repeated Actions’ channel.

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