
WhatsApp Tip: How to use WhatsApp without a SIM card?

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Most apps can be downloaded and installed without a SIM card. However, WhatsApp is slightly different. When you install WhatsApp on your phone, it asks for a phone number to send the verification code required to activate your account.

After the verification code is sent to the phone number and the account successfully verified you do not need the SIM card to send WhatsApp messages and calls.

All you need is an internet connection to continue using WhatsApp to send and receive messages and calls.

The SIM card that you used to activate WhatsApp on your smartphone can be used on another regular phone without the internet to send and receive GSM calls. After all, you do need to keep in touch with friends who do not use WhatsApp

Please note there are quite a few tweaks available on the internet to install and activate WhatsApp without a SIM, activating the airplane mode and bypassing the phone verification, and using the landline number for verification.

In spite of multiple attempts, unfortunately, none of the tweaks worked for us. Therefore, as a user, our experience is that you do need a SIM card and phone number to activate the WhatsApp service.

In some countries, you can download and use a free messaging app called TextNow. The app gives you a unique phone number that you can use to verify WhatsApp. TextNow is not supported in all countries, including India.

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