

How to add text to photos on iPhone & iPad with Markup?

Did you know that you can annotate photos on iPhone and iPad? With the built-in marking feature in iOS, you don’t need to install third-party apps (such as Annotable or Skitch) from the App Store.

This tool can come in handy when you have to annotate your screenshots, sign documents or add a caption to your photos. It was first introduced in iOS a few years ago, but Apple has kept improving it over time by adding more features and making incremental changes to the interface.

From adding texts to sketching with brushes, Markup offers a variety of tools for users to play with. Here’s how you can add text to a picture on iPhone and iPad with Markup.


  • Head over to the default “Photos” app from the home screen of your iPhone or iPad and open any picture in your library that you want to annotate.
  • Tap on “Edit” which is located at the top-right corner of your screen.
  • Now, tap on the “triple-dot” icon which is also known as the “more button” within iOS.
  • A menu will pop up from the bottom of your screen showing a list of third-party apps that you can use to edit or annotate your picture. However, you’ll see the “Markup” option right below that. Tap on it.
  • You’ll see a bunch of tools at the bottom, but ignore all of them for now and tap on the “+” icon at the bottom-right corner of the screen. Now, tap on “Text”.
  • Now, tap anywhere within the “Text” box to bring up the keyboard and type whatever you want to. Here, you can adjust the size of your text by simply tapping on the “aA” icon at the bottom bar.
  • Once you’re done typing, tap anywhere outside the text box to utilize other tools that Markup has to offer. If you want handwritten text on the picture, you can use the pen, marker, or pencil tool to write or draw with your finger.
  • When you’ve added your desired text, tap “Done” at the bottom-right corner of the screen to save this markup to your photo library.

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