
How to stop Android from listening to you by disabling Google Assistant?

Your phone may be silently listening to everything you say. That’s because smartphone voice assistants, like “OK Google,” need to know when to spring into action. To activate your Android phone’s voice assistant, all you need to say are wake words “OK Google” or “Hey Google.” Then, your phone only uses your audio starting with or just before the wake word and until after you’ve completed your command.

These interactions are archived to improve the service. You can see all of your Google Assistant commands by visiting My Google Activity. Click “Filter by date & product” and then choose “Voice & audio.”

While having a voice assistant at the ready has its pluses, this understandably raises privacy concerns for smartphone users. So if you’d rather not have your phone listening to you, you can disable the features that do it. You’ll need to disable Hey Google, audio monitoring while driving, and the Google search microphone.

How to stop an Android from listening to you by disabling Google Assistant

1. Open the Settings app.

2. Tap “Google.”

3. In the Services section, select “Account services.”

4. Choose “Search, Assistant & Voice.”

5. Tap “Voice.”

6. In the Hey Google section, select “Voice Match.”

7. Turn off Hey Google by swiping the button to the left.

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