How to create and run a Telegram voice chat?



Telegram has actually had a voice chat feature for a while now, but over the past year, it’s been promoting the option as a way for small groups or large public channels to communicate in discussion groups or even as an alternative to traditional podcast recording and distribution.

If this sounds interesting or exciting to you, we’ll show you how to use Telegram’s voice chat feature to start up some dynamic group conversations.

Steps to create and run a Telegram voice chat:

Telegram voice chats can be created in groups or channels, be they public or private. To start a voice chat, you must be an admin of the group/channel.

  1. Open the Telegram app.
  2. Tap on a group or channel for which you are an administrator.
  3. Tap on the group or channel profile name at the top of the screen.
  4. Tap on the three-dot menu at the top right of the screen.
  5. Tap Start Voice Chat in the pop-up menu.
  6. Tap Start Voice Chat to begin your chat immediately, or tap Schedule Voice Chat to have it at a later date.
  7. When you’re ready to start chatting, press and hold the microphone to talk and record your message.
  8. Tap the Voice chat overlay button to keep the conversation going even when you are not actively in the app.
  9. Tap the three-dot menu at the top right of the voice chat pop-up to change the title of the voice chat, edit participant permissionsshare the voice chat link, or end the voice chat.
  10. If you decide to schedule a voice chat, you can choose a time and share that link with others. You can also modify the chat title and permissions as we showed above.

So you can understand, these voice chats can be quite useful, whether for smaller private friend groups or information sharing via larger public channels. therefore you should definitely try this at least once.

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