How to transfer chat history from WhatsApp to Telegram?

Telegram recently introduced a new feature that allows WhatsApp users to transfer their chat history from WhatsApp to Telegram. This may be one of the biggest functions for finding users from the IM platform owned by Facebook.

The feature is now available for every user, regardless of the platform  Apple iOS and Android. If you planned to switch from WhatsApp to Telegram but were reluctant because of not being able to transfer chat history, then this is for you.

Transfer chat history from WhatsApp to Telegram

Step 1: First of all, open the WhatsApp app on your smartphone and go to the chat that you want to export.

Step 2: Now, go to the contact info section by clicking on the user’s profile on iPhone and clicking the hamburger menu icon on the top-right corner on Android. From the options available, click on “Export chat.”

Step 3: You will be presented with two options for exporting the chat “Attach Media” or “Without Media.” Select the one you prefer.

Step 4: Now, from the sharing menu, select Telegram and as that app opens, select the contact for whom you want to import the chat history.

Step 5: In the prompt for importing messages in Telegram, select “Import.” Once the process is completed, you will get notified and just click the “Done” button.

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