
How to password protect Microsoft Word and Excel documents?

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Users may want to protect a Microsoft Word document or Excel spreadsheet to prevent other users from adding, changing, removing data, or any other unauthorized use. It is possible to set up a password that secures a document, requiring users to enter the password to open, view, or modify the document.

Moreover, it is also possible to set a password to prevent users from modifying specific parts of an Excel spreadsheet. Choose from the options below for steps on how to apply password protection to a Word or Excel document.

Protect whole Word & Excel documents

The following steps give users of Microsoft Word and Excel instructions on password protecting their documents. It should be noted that it’s generally a good idea to create a backup copy of your file without a password in case you forget it.

Word & Excel 2010 and later

  1. Open Microsoft Word or Excel and the document or spreadsheet you want password to protect.
  2. Click the File tab.
  3. Click the Info option.
  4. Click the Protect Document option.
  5. Click Encrypt with Password to require a password to open the document or Restrict Editing to limit or block other users from making edits to the document.
  6. Type a password in the Password text field and click OK.
  7. Type a password again in the Reenter password text field and click OK.
  8. Save the file to save the new password.

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