
How to safely access and browse the Dark Web?

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Wired describes the deep web most succinctly as a “collection of thousands of websites that use anonymity tools like Tor and I2P to hide their IP address.” The key is decentralization, meaning that no regular browser (Chrome, Safari) can access these websites. Instead, the user must obfuscate their online identity in order to be granted access.

Moreover, Dark Web is a reality that has existed since the beginning of the internet. While there is a load of information indexed on the web, easily accessible by anyone with internet connectivity irrespective of geography, there is even more information and data that do not come to notice because it is hidden and requires special privileges to access.

How to safely access and browse the Dark Web

Step 1: Plan ahead.

  • Set a goal, make plans, and stay focused. Be mindful of purpose. Make sure you know what information you’re looking for and why you’re logging on to the encrypted web. For example, if you’re a reporter and need to communicate with sources, focus on PGP, email, and encrypted communication. If you’re searching for credit card information, look for Silk Road-type markets that sell hacked data.
  • Get what you need, safely disconnect TOR and Tails, then log off.

Step 2: Obtain a new USB flash drive.

Purchase a new 8 GB or larger USB flash drive. Make sure you use a fresh, unused drive. You will install Tails, and Tails only, directly on your storage device.

Step 3: Prepare your local machine.

Ideally, use a fresh laptop. This isn’t an option for most users, so instead do everything in your power to secure and isolate mission-critical information.

  • Back up critical data and local files.
  • Make sure your hardware is optimized and malware-free.

Step 4: Download Tails and TOR.

TOR and Tails are available on the TOR Project website. Access download links directly from Insert your USB drive and follow the instructions on

Step 5: Browse safely.

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