
How to export Safari bookmarks to a Windows 10 web browser?

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Today’s most popular third-party web browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, and Opera, are cross-platform, which means they’ll work on either a Mac or a Windows 10 PC with no problems. But the macOS default web browser, Safari, which is developed by Apple, doesn’t have a Windows 10 version.

If you’re making the switch from a Mac to a Windows 10 PC, you’ll need a way to migrate all your web browser data, bookmarks, etc. to your Windows computer. Here’s a quick and easy way to do it.

Export Safari Web Browser Data and Bookmarks and Import to Windows 10

Method 1: Export as an HTML File

  • To export your Safari bookmarks, open Safari, and click File > Export Bookmark This will create an HTML file that you can save on an external drive and then import on your new Windows 10 installation.
  • To import the file into Chrome, go to Settings, Import bookmarks, and settings, and choose the HTML file you exported from your Mac.
  • To import in Firefox, go to Show All Bookmarks (CTRL+SHIFT+B).

Method 2: Sync Using Firefox Sync (or Chrome Sync)

  • If you want to sync all your settings to Firefox in Windows 10, you can install Firefox on macOS, which will import your data from Safari. You’ll be prompted to import your settings when you first launch Firefox on your Mac.
  • On Windows 10, download, install Firefox, sign in then sync your bookmarks.
  • If you want to use Chrome or Opera instead of Firefox, you can do pretty much the same thing. Install Chrome on your Mac, import settings from Safari during your initial configuration, and then sync your settings on your new Windows installation.
  • In Chrome, you can go to Settings, click Import bookmarks and settings, and choose Safari to import your Favorites/Bookmarks.

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