How to fix jammed game controller buttons on Xbox?

For gamers, a common problem that they face while using Xbox one gaming controller is stuck or sticky buttons. It’s hard to play games to their full extent when crucial buttons on the controller won’t respond quickly enough. Luckily, this is an easy fix that any techie can complete with a few tools and some patience.

The most common reason for sticky gaming controller buttons is a build-up of dirt and dust mixed with hand oils. Crumbs from game-time snacks and liquids that have come in contact with the controller, that can contribute as well.

Clean around buttons with Q-tips and alcohol

If you have only just noticed some stickiness or you’ve just spilled something on your controller, you only need a minor cleaning around your buttons. Grab some Q-tips and some rubbing alcohol for this quick cleaning tutorial.

  1. First, unplug the controller.
  2. Dip the Q-tip into the rubbing alcohol, dabbing off any excess.
  3. Rub the Q-tip around the button that is sticking several times, getting as far into the crevices as you can.
  4. Once you think you’ve cleaned out as much as you can, press the button a few dozen times to work the rubbing alcohol into the crevice and loosening any debris left behind.
  5. If the button still sticks, repeat this process or try another method lower on this list.

Take apart the Xbox One controller and clean

  • You should only attempt this if you have some experience in tearing down electronics, as this process requires removing the motherboard of the controller.

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