How to get updates for extensions in Google Chrome?

Google Chrome lets you install extensions that can add a variety of functions to the browser. After you install an extension, Chrome regularly checks for updates and prompts you to install new updates as they become available.

If Google Chrome isn’t looking for updates automatically or if you need to immediately install an update, you can use Chrome’s developer mode to manually update installed extensions. The process installs available updates for all installed extensions automatically.


  • Open Google Chrome. Click the wrench icon that appears to the far right of the address bar and select “Options.”
  • Click “Extensions” in the left pane list to view all of your installed extensions. Click the “Developer Mode” box in the upper-right corner of the extensions list.
  • Click “Update Extensions Now” to check for and install any available updates. If no updates are available, Chrome won’t many any changes, and you can close the window.

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