
How to shift files and folders in Mac OS X Lion?

You can move Mac OS X Lion files and folders around within a window to your heart’s content as long as that window is set to icon view. Just click and drag any file’s icon to its new location in the window.

As you might expect from Apple, you have choices for how you move one file or folder into another folder. You can use these techniques to move any icon (folder, document, alias, or program icon) into folders or onto other disks.

How to shift Files and Folders 

  • Drag an icon onto a folder icon. Drag the icon for one folder (or file) onto the icon for another folder (or disk) and then release it when the second icon is highlighted. The first folder is inside the second folder. Put another way, the first folder is a subfolder of the second folder.

    This technique works regardless of whether the second folder’s window is open.

  • Drag an icon into an open folder’s window. Drag the icon for one folder (or file) into the open window for a second folder (or disk).

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