
How to add items to the Windows 10 ‘Send To’ menu?

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Windows 10 is a modern operating system that continues to evolve on a regular basis with new features. Of course, some of the same features that have been around for years are still there.

A good example is the Send To context menu. It’s the menu you get if you right-click a document, photo, or other item and gives you options on where to send it.

How to set up

Windows 10 is a modern OS for 2016, but it still has some legacy features that have been part of Windows for years. For example, right-click a document and you’ll find some legacy items in the Send to category Fax Recipient is the one that is the most obvious.

I am sure there are companies out there that still need to use the fax option, but for the average home user, not so much.


  • To delete or add locations, hit Windows Key+R and type: shell:sendto and hit Enter.
  • The “SendTo” folder will open and from here you can delete locations that you’d never use and add more modern places. To get rid of a place just right-click and hit Delete.
  • To add a location, just drag its shortcut into the SentTo folder. In the screenshot below I’m dragging a OneDrive shortcut over.

See Expanded Send To Menu

  • Hold down the Shift key while you right-click a document or other file and select Sent to. This time, you’ll see a lot more locations, perhaps places in Windows 10 that you didn’t know existed. It’s adding several of the default items from your Users folder on your system drive.

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