
How to edit a PowerPoint Template?

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Microsoft PowerPoint offers several tools to try to help you create a more engaging, interesting, and persuasive presentation. One tool available in both the desktop and online flavors of PowerPoint is Designer or Design Ideas. This feature analyzes the content of your presentation.

Moreover, the slide theme is all of the stuff that’s unique to a set of slide layouts, including colors, fonts, effects or transitions, and backgrounds. Going down the PowerPoint template route is a great option for most people.

The best advice is to pick a template you really like, to start with slides for most of the content elements you will need, and then adjust colors and fonts for your brand. You should also remove slide types that you don’t need to make the deck easier to manage and edit.

How to Edit a PowerPoint Template

Step 1: Open the Slide Master and Remove Unnecessary Items

  • Start with the Slide Master, navigate to it using View > Slide Master.

Make sure the slide groupings make sense to you and change or rename them if necessary. You can also remove groups if you don’t want them.

Step 2: Add Common Elements to Master Slides

  • While you have the Slide Master open, make any changes to slides that you want to impact the entire deck. Add a logo or background element.
  • You might also design or change the text in a footer, or add automatic slide numbering that appears on every slide in the deck.
  • Close the Slide Master when you are finished. Every slide that you have changed in the master will reflect those changes.

Step 3: Change the Theme

  • You can change colors and fonts in the Slide Master as well. Changing these elements in the Slide Master will apply them to all slides in the deck so that you don’t have to set custom specifications on each individual slide.

Use preset color and font palettes for styles that already match or set your own, based on a specific color or palette.

Step 4: Change Placeholder Text and Elements

  • Next, go through the slides and set placeholder elements in a way that makes sense for you. This is most important if multiple people will work from the same PowerPoint template.

Step 5: Save a New Template

Once you have edited a PowerPoint template and are happy with the design, save the file so it can be loaded and reused. You need to save it as a PowerPoint template file (.potx).

  • Navigate to File > Save As (or Save a Copy)
  • Choose PowerPoint Template in the Save as Type list (the file will automatically save in the Customs Office Templates folder on your computer)
  • Give it a name you will remember
  • Select Save

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