
How to fix MMS on a Non-AT&T Android Device?

We always send messages to others. In older days people have only one means of communication i.e, letters but nowadays there are many ways to send messages like email, SMS, MMS, and messages on the OTT (over-the-top) application like WhatsApp, telegram, and signal. The two main ways to send messages on the mobile phone using a cellular network are MMS and SMS.

Moreover, Some older Android smartphones may use the wap. cingular APN as the default AT&T setting. This APN no longer supports smartphone data connectivity. If you’re not able to program.

When activating on Wing GSM (AT&T) with a Non-AT&T Android Device, you might run into some issues that prevent MMS from properly coming through.


  • Make sure the APN Settings are properly set up and match the listed Settings: Wing GSM APN Settings.
  • If all settings match and you’re still having trouble with MMS we would suggest downloading a third-party text messaging app such as Textra.
  • This has been the solution that has worked best for most users when enabling their phone to send MMS/Picture Messages.
  • If you are still having trouble, please go into Textra and go to Settings > MMS Settings > Send Size, and change the setting to either No Limit or 1MB.

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