
Here’s how to add watermark to your photos in Samsung Galaxy M42

Samsung Galaxy M42 is Samsung’s latest product in the mid-market. It is equipped with Qualcomm Snapdragon 750G processor, has an sAMOLED display, and strong battery performance.

With the new One UI 3.1 software based on Android 11, you can learn a lot of tips, tricks, and shortcuts. Today we will ask you to run dual applications on your device.

Add a watermark to your photos

If you want to identify the device that took the photo, or you are just the photographer who wants to sign the photo, then adding a watermark to the photo would be great.

  • Watermarks are essential, at least for me. To add a watermark on the photos, all you need is to go to the Camera Settings and swipe to the bottomtap on the Watermark, and customize your signature.

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