
How to use Voice Typing feature on Android?

The touch screen keyboard is not always the best way to enter text. Sometimes it is not fast enough, or you do not have free hands. Using voice typing on Android is very useful.

Like many things on Android, the experience is very dependent on the application you use. Not all Android devices have a universal keyboard. However, Google’s own “Gboard” may be the closest, and many other keyboards handle speech to text in a similar way.


  • First, make sure that you download and install Gboard from the Google Play Store and set it up as the default keyboard on your Android smartphone or tablet.
  • The voice typing feature should be enabled from the start, but we’ll double-check to be sure. Enter a text box to bring up the keyboard and tap the gear icon.
  • Next, select “Voice Typing” from the Settings menu.
  • Make sure that the toggle at the top of the screen is enabled.
  • With that out of the way, we can use the Voice Typing feature. Enter a text box again to bring up the keyboard. Tap the microphone icon to begin dictating a message.
  • If this is your first time using the feature, you’ll be asked to grant Gboard permission to record audio. Give it permission to proceed by tapping the “While Using the App” button.
  • Gboard will start listening, and you can say what you would like to “type.” Tap the microphone again to stop.
  • Your voice will be translated to text, entered into the box in real-time, and ready to be sent by tapping the arrow icon. Just tap the microphone whenever you want to use it.

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