
How to attach files to Google Calendar events?

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Google Calendar events are a great way to organize meetings, but without slides, spreadsheets, pictures, or reports, any meeting is incomplete.

Fortunately, you can easily attach anything from Google Drive or your local drive to the event.

How to Attach Files to Google Calendar Events

Adding attachments to events allows you to easily share content with attendees in advance. This allows them to drag these elements into the meeting without having to search for them.

  • Google Calendar in your web browser and click the red “+” to create a new event.
  • Next, click the paperclip icon located in the event detail tab to add an attachment.
  • You can add files from your Google Drive, files that others have shared with you through Drive, or upload files from your local hard drive.
  • Locate the file you want to attach to the event, click on it, and then click “Select.”
  • Click “Save” to create your event.
  • After attaching a file from your Google Drive to the event, you’ll be prompted to share the document with anyone who doesn’t already have access to it. Make sure “Turn Link Sharing On” is toggled and then click “Invite.”

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