
How to find the private IP address through your Windows 10?

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Tired of being the only wireless network in your apartment building without a smart name like “Wu-Tang Lan” or “Bill Wi the Sci-Fi”? Or you may want to make your network password more secure to prevent your neighbors from snooping on your Internet connection.

To make these changes, you need to know your router’s IP address. Why? Most routers provide a control panel that’s only accessible through a web browser. You must enter the router’s IP address into the browser’s address bar to access that panel.

Finding the private IP address through your Windows 10

Step 1: Enter “cmd” in the search field and click the top result to access the Command Prompt.

Alternatively, right-click on the Start button and select Windows PowerShell listed on the Power User Menu.

Step 2: With PowerShell or Command Prompt opens, type “ipconfig /all” to bring up a window with information on your network’s connection.

This is one of the most important commands to know when using the Command Prompt interface.

The field marked Default Gateway shows the IP address of whatever router you’re connected to at the time. For almost all routers, you can enter this IP address in your browser’s URL bar to access your router’s login page.

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