
How to clear the cache on your Nintendo Switch?

If you are lucky enough to use the Nintendo Switch to play games throughout the summer, it may be time to clear the system cache.

If you do not clear the storage data and temporary file cache of the switch for a long time, it will affect the performance of the device.

Therefore, whether you are about to resell your Switch, or just want it to resume operation, here is how you can clear the cache through the Switch settings.


1. Turn on your Nintendo Switch, and go to the home screen.

2. From the list of options at the bottom of the screen, select “System Settings” it’s the icon that looks like a gear.

3. In the left sidebar, scroll to the bottom and click “System.” 

4. Scroll to the bottom of that menu to select “Formatting Options.”

5. “Reset Cache” will appear at the very top. Click it. You’ll be prompted to close any open games or apps — click “Close” if you’re asked to.

6. Click “Reset” to finalize.

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