How to check your message inbox on Facebook?

After getting familiar with sending and receiving messages to your Facebook friends, it’s time to explore the inbox, where all your messages are collected for easy viewing at any time.

The organization of the Facebook inbox is slightly different from the traditional email inbox. Most importantly, the messages you receive from people who are not friends and are unlikely to know are different from the conversations you have with friends.


Open Facebook Messenger.

This app resembles a white lightning bolt on a blue background. Doing so will open your Facebook Messenger to the last tab you had open.

  • If you aren’t logged into Facebook messenger, enter your phone number and password to continue.

Tap Home.

It’s a house-shaped tab in the bottom-left corner of the screen. This will take you to your inbox.

  • If Messenger opens a conversation, first tap the “Back” button in the top-left corner of the screen.

Review your inbox.

  • Your newest messages will be at the top of the screen, just above the “Active Now” row of contacts. Scrolling down the Home tab’s contents will show you progressively older messages.

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