How to enable Zoom meeting code to join a meeting?

Zoom meeting invitations are usually sent in the form of links. In some cases, the invitation appears as a calendar event, and you can import it or add it directly to the calendar application or Google Calendar and other services.

The Zoom meeting link is very long and not user-friendly, that is, no one can remember it, and the input time is too long to make mistakes or take too much time.

The code is easy to remember since it is a 10 digit number. You can get the code from the meeting host however when you use the code to join the meeting, you will have to manually enter the password for the meeting.


To join a Zoom meeting with the code from the Zoom web app, follow these steps.

  1. Visit Zoom. 
  2. Click Join a meeting at the top right.
  3. Enter the meeting code or Meeting ID.
  4. Click Join.
  5. Enter the passcode when prompted.
  6. Wait for the host to allow you in.

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