

How to set WhatsApp Custom Ringtone for individual contacts?

The custom notification feature in WhatsApp allows you to set custom message reminders and custom ringtones for individual and group contacts. Below you will find the steps to set a custom ringtone for WhatsApp on your Android phone.

If you have numerous Contacts in WhatsApp, you may want to assign Custom Ringtones for certain important Contacts to differentiate them from your other Contacts.

This allows you to identify who is calling you on WhatsApp by listening to Custom Ringtone assigned to the Contact. Follow the steps below to set up Custom Ringtones for individual Contacts on Android Phones.


1. Open WhatsApp and tap on the Chats Tab.

2. On the Chats screen, select the Contact for which you want to set Custom Ringtones.

3. On the next screen, tap on the Contact Name to access this Contact’s profile page.

4. On Contact’s profile page, scroll down and tap on the Custom Notifications option.

5. On the next screen, select the Use Custom Notifications option and tap on the Ringtone option, located under the “Call Notifications” section.

6. On the next screen, select the Ringtone that you would like to assign to this Contact and tap on OK.

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