
Intel Ruixuan Arc graphics card spotted: Report

According to the latest report, the GPU appearance of Intel’s upcoming Ruixuan Arc graphics card was exposed, including two models of 512EU and 128EU.

Moreover, Intel’s new Ruixuan Arc graphics card uses DG2 GPU, SOC1 has 512 EU, SOC2 has 128EU, which means that Intel’s new Ruixuan Arc graphics series will be based on these two GPUs.

Furthermore, the top DG2 chip is equipped with all 512EU and supports up to 16GB of GDDR6 video memory. It will compete with NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 / Ti desktop graphics cards and RTX 3070/3080 notebook graphics cards.

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Intel participated in the TGA awards event and released a promotional video of the new Ruixuan Arc graphics card. Intel emphasized that starting from the first quarter of next year, Intel will begin shipping Arc Alchemist GPUs to customers. 

Intel said that the upcoming Intel Ruixuan high-performance graphics products are based on the Xe HPG microarchitecture, which combines the advantages of Intel Xe LP, HP, and HPC microarchitectures, and will provide excellent scalability and computing through advanced graphics capabilities efficient.

The first-generation Intel high-performance graphics products code-named Alchemist will use hardware-based ray tracing and artificial intelligence-driven supersampling to provide full support for DirectX 12 Ultimate.


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