
Xiaomi: 1,188 apps were detected in violation of regulations

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According to the official account of the Xiaomi App Store Developer, Xiaomi announced the November Xiaomi App Store Developer monthly Report. Xiaomi said that the Xiaomi App Store App privacy detection continues to advance, and it insists on reporting privacy to the regulatory authorities on a daily basis. List of offending apps.

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According to the data, since November 2021, the Xiaomi platform has detected 1,250 apps that are compliant, and 1,188 apps have been rectified within a time limit due to violations such as “the privacy policy does not set a rejection button” and “no account logout function”. A total of 116 apps were removed from the shelves and dealt with issues such as “infringement of user functions”.

Moreover, in the  November monthly report, the Xiaomi App Store also announced four apps that won the Golden Rice Award, namely: “League of Legends Mobile Game”, “One”, “One Sweet Camera”, Click Music.”


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