
Apple iOS tips and tricks: How to add an accessory to the Home app on iPhone

You can make your life more easy and accessible by controlling all of your home appliances with the Home app on your iPhone.The first time you open the Home app, the setup assistant helps you create a home, where you can add accessories and define rooms. In this article, we will tell you how you can add an accessory to the Home app.

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What is the Home app?

The Home app helps you to securely control and automate HomeKit-enabled accessories, such as lights, smart TVs, and thermostats.

When you set up supported security cameras, you can capture video, and receive a notification when a camera recognizes someone at your door or when a package is left at the door. You can also open a compatible lock with a home key, group multiple speakers to play the same audio, and send and receive Intercom messages on supported devices. With Home, you can control any Works with Apple HomeKit accessory using iPhone.

How to add accessories to the Home app:

Note: Before you add an accessory such as a light or camera, be sure that it’s connected to a power source, is turned on, and is using your Wi-Fi network.

Step1: Tap Home, then tap the Add button.

Step2: Tap Add Accessory, then follow the onscreen instructions.

  • When you add an accessory, it’s assigned to a default room or a room you choose.
  • You may need to scan a QR code or enter an 8-digit HomeKit setup code found on the accessory itself (or its box or documentation). A supported smart TV displays a QR code for you to scan. You can assign the accessory to a room, give it a name, and then use this name when controlling the accessory with Siri. You can also add suggested automation during setup.
  • When you set up Apple TV in tvOS and assign it to a room, it automatically appears in that room in the Home app on iPhone.
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