
BOE has largest production area among Chinese AMOLED panel factories

According to the latest report, the annual average utilization rate of Chinese  AMOLED panel factories (≤G6) in 2021 is 53.7%, an increase of 10 percentage points compared to 2020.

Among them, the utilization rate (Note: utilization rate refers to the proportion of time occupied by equipment to create value in the time it can provide) has the highest level of improvement for TCL CSOT, from 32.7% annual utilization in 2020 increase to an overall annual utilization rate of 74% in 2021.

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Moreover, the report pointed out that BOE is still the manufacturer with the largest production area among domestic AMOLED panel factories (≤G6), with a market share of 37.4% in 2021, a decrease of 7.6 percentage points compared to 2020.

Furthermore, the report said that the second largest is Visionox, which will account for 18.3% of the production area in 2021, a slight increase of about 1 percentage point compared with 2020.

The third-largest is Hehui Optoelectronics EDO, in 2021 the production area accounted for 15.6%, a decrease of about 1.8 percentage points compared with 2020.

Data show that in 2021, the overall installed capacity area of Chinese AMOLED panel factories (≤G6) will only increase by 26.9%, while the production area will increase significantly by 57.0%.


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