Xiaomi notebook official Weibo announced the screen parameters of Redmi Book Pro 2022. According to officials, this is a brand-new customized 3.2K 90Hz primary color screen, which has the characteristics of a high score, high brush, high brightness, and high color accuracy.
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The official also left suspense, letting everyone guess what the color of this screen is. The old Redmi Book Pro 15 is also equipped with a 3.2K 90Hz screen, 1500:1 contrast ratio, 100% sRGB color gamut, 16:10 ratio, and the color standard value has not been announced. It is expected that the new screen will be improved in color accuracy compared to the old one.
Moreover, the old Redmi Book Pro 15 enhanced version is equipped with up to quad-core i7-11390H and MX450 independent display, and the 2022 new model will have a great improvement in terms of processor, graphics card, and heat dissipation. Redmi Book Pro 2022 will be officially released on March 17th.