
South Korean government aims to release 6G prototype mobile phones in 2026

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According to the latest report, the South Korean Presidential Office Takeover Committee stated that the new government plans to launch a 6G communication prototype in 2026 and commercialize it from 2028 to 2030.

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Moreover, the Korean Presidential Takeover Committee pointed out that 6G communication is characterized by zero delays, that is, it can be connected without waiting. Global commercialization is expected to take place in the late 2020s or 2030, with the new government aiming to do so sooner.

It is understood that countries have now joined the 6G race, after the Nikkei Shimbun teamed up with Tokyo-based research firm Cyber ​​Creative Institute to investigate about 20,000 patent applications for nine core 6G technologies, including communications, quantum technology, base stations, and artificial intelligence.

Countries with more patent filings tend to lead in advanced technology and thus have a greater say in industry standards. According to the survey results, China topped the list with 40.3% of 6G patent applications, followed by the United States with 35.2%, followed by Japan (9.9%), Europe (8.9%), and South Korea (4.2%).


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