
OxygenOS 12.1 offers three amazing battery indicators for your OnePlus phone

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OnePlus OxygenOS 12.1 has a few unique tweaks that were missing in the previous versions, and one such amazing tweak is the battery percentage styles. How about if you get a chance to change the old battery layout? Or if you have some more battery style options to change the traditional sign of the power consumption? Well, now this becomes possible with the newest software system.

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OnePlus OxygenOS 12.1 Battery Percentage Styles

OxygenOS 12.1 offers three amazing battery indicators for your OnePlus handsets. The first one is the Vertical option. It is the same traditional battery symbol that appears at the top-right corner of the screen. Further, we have the Loop option. As the name suggests, it is a circular symbol that will appear beside the battery percentage.Moreover, the last option is the Do Not Show option. When enabled, you would not be able to see any kind of sign along with the battery percent. Thus, you would be able to check out the battery level in three new and different layouts on your smartphone.

How to access these battery styles?

  • Go to the Settings app
  • Scroll down and select Notifications & Status Bar
  • Under the Status Bar tag, click on the Battery Style
  • Choose any one style accordingly


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