

OxygenOS 12.1 Tip: How to set up work/ balance feature

OnePlus has launched OxygenOS 12.1 with a feature that will help you in balancing work time and others. This is OnePlus’s most useful feature.

Whereas, this feature was first launched in OxygenOS 9.5, but it was restricted to the Indian market. But with OxygenOS 12, OnePlus rolls out this feature to the global markets.

This feature allows you to set up work and personal work. It also gives you the power to lay off the distractions from social media apps while you are working. This feature also makes sure you don’t receive work notifications during other times.

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Here’s how to set it up:

  • Head towards the Settings menu
  • Scroll down and click on Special Features
  • Choose worklife balance
  • Tap on set up the work mode
  • And set it up according to you

By default it is set to 9 am to 6 pm on weekdays. You can change it as per your choice.

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