
OxygenOS 12.1: How to turn on new game mode features

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A bunch of new game mode features have been added to the OnePlus. Although, there is no particular menu in the settings menu where you can get all the options.

When game mode will be turned on, notifications will be blocked to prevent you bothered unnecessarily. This mode also improves the speed of apps and network data, increases performance, and reduces intermission.

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The Gaming mode will turn on automatically when the users are playing their favorite games.

Follow these below-mentioned steps, to enable the new game mode: 

  1. Swipe in from the left or right-hand corner of your display while in a game
  2. A menu will appear with the various options
  3. Choose an option between three different performances modes

The game focus mode can be disabled easily. If you want to turn off the game mode, Here’s how to turn it off:


  • Go to the settings menu
  • Click on utilities
  • Select games space settings in the upper right corner
  • And push the slider towards the left to turn it off

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