
OxygenOS 12.1: How to enable Zen mode in Oneplus smartphones

OnePlus is equipped with a feature Zen Mode. was first introduced in 2019 and focuses on decreasing screen time for those who find it difficult to put their smartphone away.

Once the Zen Mode will be enabled on your smartphone. You will only be able to receive phone calls and a piece of peaceful music will start, that you can control while using the Zen Mode App.

How to use Zen mode as a single user:

  • Unlock your Oneplus smartphones and pull down the notification panel
  • Scroll down the panel again to view the quick tiles settings fully
  • Tap on the Zen mode quick tile to open the app.
  •  Now, change the length of time in the middle of the page as per your choice
  • Hit the confirm button and then a timer will initiate.
  • After the timer get completes, the app will congratulate you.

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 You can use Zen mode with your friends as well. Here’s How to use Zen mode with friends:


  • Unlock your phone and scroll down to the notification panel
  • Again, scroll down to view the quick settings
  • Tap on the Zen mode quick tile to open the app.
  • Now, hit the icon, that looks like two peoples
  • If you have your friend’s code then hit the Join A room button and enter the code.
  • If you want to make the room then hit the Create A Room button.
  • Share that code with your friends and wait for them to join

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