
Gmail: How to avoid accidentally sending or deleting messages

Have you ever faced a situation where you mistype, forget the attachment, or have entered the wrong sender mistakenly? If yes, then Gmail has a solution to correct your mistake. You can prevent such type of awkward situation, by just enabling Gmail’s Confirm before sending option.

A minute to check before sending or deleting any Gmail can save the users from embarrassment in many situations. After enabling this feature, Before composing a new email or tapping the send button, Gmail will ask you to confirm before sending the message.


In this step-by-step guide, we will show you how to avoid accidentally sending or deleting a message on Gmail. 

Here’s how to do it: 

  • Open the Gmail app on your smartphone
  • Click on the three horizontal lines, at the top left corner
  • Scroll it down and tap on the Settings option
  • Under Settings, Click on General Settings
  • Now in the Action Confirmations, enable the Confirm before Sending option
  • And you are done!

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