
How to stop people from adding you to WhatsApp groups?

Once in a time, while using WhatsApp you may face adding to an anonymous group that makes you irritated. These groups are sent random messages and may contain viruses, nudity, or spam that could potentially harm your smartphone. This happens when you haven’t customized the privacy settings of your phone.


Therefore, if you want to avoid this, we recommend that you change your privacy settings so that your account is protected from these spam groups and messages. In this article, we will show you how to stop random people from adding you to WhatsApp groups. Follow the instructions given below.

How to stop people from adding you to WhatsApp groups?

Open WhatsApp.

From there tap on three dots in the top-right corner.

Then navigate to the Settings option.

Once you’re in Settings, you’ll need to navigate to the first option available, the Account option.

In the account menu, tap the Privacy option.

Then tap to Groups options.

Once you’re in the Groups menu, you’ll see three options you can choose from.

Choose your preference and tab done.


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