Nothing teases new wireless earbuds Ear Stick, launch seems imminent

Nothing announced the appearance of its new true wireless earbuds Nothing Ear (stick) at London Fashion Week, which is the company’s second headset and will be launched later this year. Its charging case has been completely redesigned to take the shape of lipstick for easier pocketing.


Moreover, Nothing has only revealed about what the new headset will look like, and its exact details are still being kept under wraps. It is reported that the earphones will cancel the rubber earplugs and adopt a design similar to Apple’s regular version of AirPods, which is more comfortable to wear, but also more difficult to isolate outside noise.

Nothing new Ear Stick appearanceIn addition to the Ear (stick), Nothing also showed a limited edition bag that can be placed on both mobile phones and headphones, using a transparent fabric design, and Nothing phone can be seen from the outside, the phone’s glyph light gleams, and the bag will be available early next year.
