What is WhatsApp New Broadcast feature? How it is useful in your daily life



WhatsApp has several ways that can solve your daily-life conversation issues to some extent. Here, we are talking about the New Broadcast feature on WhatsApp that lets you send the same message to multiple users at a time, without restricting to a limited number.

Accordingly, the WhatsApp ‘New Broadcast’ feature enables users to send a particular message or any kind of media to numerous contacts at once. Do not worry as it won’t carry any ‘forwarded’ label and will appear as an individual message from you.

How New Broadcast feature help to send the same message to multiple users?

  • Open WhatsApp on your phone
  • Hit the three-dots icon at the top right corner
  • Select the New Broadcast option
  • Pick the contacts to whom you want to send the message
  • Type caption (if any)
  • Tap on the Send button

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WhatsApp New Broadcast feature