
What is daylight saving time feature? How to use it on Android phone

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Have you ever noticed a feature named daylight saving time on your Android phone or Apple iOS device? If yes, then it is important to understand what it is used for and how to update it as per requirements. Today, we are up to tell you what daylight saving time features and how it functions.

US authorities change clock time twice a year. It “springs forward” an hour early in the year and then “falls back” an hour later in the year. However, this action often confuses users regarding their phone timings. Hence, here are a few easy steps on how you can use this feature to avoid confusion.

How to use daylight saving time feature on your Android phone?

  • Go to the Settings menu
  • Scroll down and select the System section
  • Tap on the Date & Time option
  • Turn on the toggles of set time automatically and Use Location

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