What is OxygenOS 14 Microsoft Phone Link feature? How to use it

OxygenOS 14 has touched the stability platform with several new features including the Microsoft Phone Link capability. Yes, OnePlus associated with Microsoft to extend the software productivity and its seamless connection to other devices.

The all-new Phone Link feature ensures a rich cross-device experience so that users may work on anything, from anywhere, and with any device. In simple words, you can conduct a call, check out your favorite snaps, and opt for some more operations on your PC or computer without even touching your OnePlus phone.

How to use the OxygenOS 14 Microsoft Phone Link feature?

You will need to scan a QR code to set up the OnePlus Microsoft Phone Link feature. Once done, you won’t be required to reach out to your phone nearly as much. You can check important notifications from the pop-up on your PC and reply in-line to messages without touching your handset.

Ahead, you will be able to make and receive calls straight from your PC and can even transfer calls between two devices. That’s not it! Users can also check the call history from their PC.

Some other tasks that you can perform are:

  • Instantly see photos and save them directly to the PC
  • Delete images or drag and drop them into a PPT or email
  • Interact with mobile apps on your PC
  • Use multiple apps feature to open apps side by side
  • Opt for a direct and complete mirroring feature

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OxygenOS 14 Microsoft Phone Link