What is new Microsoft ‘Windows’ app? How does it work



Microsoft is launching an all-new Windows app which will be a gateway to access and connect remotely with your desktop services. One can use it on many different devices running on varied platforms and for factors such as desktops, laptops, tablets, smartphones, and even a web browser.

Users can connect to the Windows app without downloading or installing external software. Accordingly, the newly launched app includes a custom home screen that enables users to access multiple different cloud services and remote PCs.

How does the Microsoft Windows app work?

The new Windows app is capable of performing several tasks – thanks to the ultimate machine learning program and customizable home screen. One can manage different operations from a single place and pin their favorites to access them easily.

In case you hold multiple accounts, you can efficiently switch between them without out easy account-switching feature. Some other features that can boost your remote experience are:

  • Multiple monitor support
  • Custom display resolutions
  • Dynamic display resolutions and scaling
  • Device redirection, such as webcams, audio, storage devices, and printers.
  • Microsoft Teams organizations.
  • Note – To use this app, you will require a Windows 11 or 10 version.

Windows App is available for Windows, macOS, iOS, iPadOS, and web browsers. But since it is in the preview stage, regular users cannot access it

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Microsoft Windows app