At the 2025 Unpacked event, Samsung unveiled new AI upgrades for the Galaxy S25 with One UI 7. One cool feature is that it lets your phone read articles out loud from the internet.
The Browsing Assist in Samsung’s web browser is used just to summarize and translate articles. Now, One UI 7 on the Galaxy S25 can also speak these summaries to you.
You’ll find a new setting called “Read highlights aloud” in the Galaxy AI menu for Browsing Assist. Here, you can pick different languages and voice types for a personalized listening experience.
When you use this feature, a small control panel appears on your screen. It lets you pause, rewind, or fast-forward through the article, just like playing music or a podcast.
Check out our hands-on video where we show how this new feature works on the Galaxy S25.
This update might not be something you use every day, but it’s super handy when you’re doing something else, like driving or cooking, and you still want to catch up on the news. It turns any webpage into something you can listen to.
Keep watching for more updates on One UI 7 and the Galaxy S25, and make sure to follow us on YouTube if you enjoy our content.