At Samsung’s big reveal event in 2025, they introduced the Galaxy S25, S25+, and S25 Ultra. Google also updated its AI assistant, Gemini, making it work better with more apps on your phone.
Now, with Gemini, you can do lots of things at once just by asking. For example, if you want to find a good restaurant and tell a friend about it, Gemini can search for places on Google Maps and then write a quick message in Google Messages for you.
Samsung also added new Gemini features for their own apps like Calendar, Clock, Notes, and Reminders. And with Gemini Live, you can now talk to the AI more like you would with a friend, even showing it pictures or videos to talk about. It’s like having a smarter conversation where you can upload a painting and ask why it’s famous.
A cool new button on the side of the Galaxy S25 phones lets you jump straight into Gemini. Just press it to set a reminder, save a note, or check your schedule.
You’ll be able to buy these new phones starting Wednesday, and they’ll start shipping on February 7.
One big change is how you can now give Gemini multiple tasks in one go. Like, if you’re looking for healthy lunch ideas, Gemini can find recipes and save them in your Notes app, all with one command.
Also, there are new tricks coming soon, like sharing your screen or streaming live video with Project Astra, which will make Gemini even more helpful.
Remember, while Samsung is pushing Gemini, they haven’t forgotten about their own Bixby. Bixby will still be around, especially in Samsung’s home gadgets.
So, the Galaxy S25 isn’t just about faster chips; it’s about making your phone smarter with AI that’s easy to use and connects all your apps together.