Tag: Telegram
Telegram Tip: How to do a secret chat with others in Telegram app?
By default, all your chats that happen in normal conversation mode on Telegram are stored as chat on Telegram’s servers. While this happens, all conversations between the cloud server and the users are encrypted. However, what you should know is that this is not user-to-user encryption, and therefore, poses a risk of a potential breach.…
Telegram Tip: How to send uncompressed media on Telegram?
Besides text messages, a lot of us use messaging services like WhatsApp and Telegram to share media and files with other people. However, a hurdle that we often run into in the process is that not all services offer the option to send uncompressed media readily and require some kind of a workaround to get…
Telegram Tip: How to send disappearing (aka self-destructing) media on Telegram?
When you usually send messages and media in normal chat mode on Telegram, they continue to live in conversations perpetually. While this is not a point of concern most of the time, those who do not want the other person in the conversation to have access to their media forever (kind of) can take advantage…
Official Telegram version for Android is released for fans of pirated content
The team of the popular messenger Telegram has released a new client for devices based on the Android operating system. The new version of Telegram for Android can be downloaded as an APK file directly from the official Telegram website. Unlike the Telegram client available in the Google Play online store, in this version, the…
Telegram planning for IPO, the value of company could reach 50 million USD
According to Vedomosti, Telegram has begun preparations for the first public offering of its own shares (IPO). At the moment, the messenger has begun the appropriate diagnostics and selection of the region and exchange for placement. The source adds that Telegram is considering two options, including direct listing and using a SPAC company to go…
Twitter was fined 6.5 million rubles in Russia
On April 2, 2021, the administration of the social network Twitter received two large fines at once in Russia. The magistrate of the Tagansky district of Moscow, fined Twitter 3.2 and 3.3 million rubles, respectively. “Join our channel on Telegram” Since there were two offenses – on January 23 and 24, two fines were imposed.…
Telegram X’s first update in nearly a year is loaded with new emoji, improved dark mode support, and more
Using an application that is billed as “experimental” comes with its legal risks, with developers likely to abandon the project altogether. Telegram X, the company’s alternative client to test new features, looks set to lead to a silent death after the latest update in May, but the app has finally shown a new spark to…
Telegram update on Windows 10: Added support for voice chat for thousands of people
After launching Voice Chat for the mobile terminal last week, the feature was also available in the recently updated Windows 10 terminal Telegram. This voice chat function is very powerful, allowing anyone to create a conference room with thousands of participants. Users can enter and exit these rooms at will, and provide various management tools…
Telegram will add paid services to the app from next year
The messaging platform Telegram is expected to introduce new paid services from next year. This news is confirmed by the founder Pavel Durov on his channel stating that the company will need a good amount of money for the maintenance of its services. Telegram is popular in countries such as the former Soviet Union and…